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Instilling unchanging truth in our children 
with a Biblical world view. 

What is a worldview?

A worldview is the lens in which people view the world around them. It becomes the framework of an individual’s understanding of reality and right and wrong. In a time of rampant humanism, these lenes are often deemed as limitless as the people who own them. However, there are only two worldviews – God’s and man’s.


What is a Biblical-Worldview?

A Biblical-worldview is built on God’s word as infallible, authoritative, inerrant, and completely sufficient. As such, it is an absolute in forming our thinking and understanding of His created world. It fashions our perceptions of morality, ethics, love, relationships, and reason for being. It is not just about knowing what the Bible says, but having a spiritual and intellectual connection through the power of the Holy Spirit – living God’s word.

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Jackson Hole Christian Academy

(307) 733-1941

©2025 by Jackson Hole Christian Academy. 

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